When calls or contacts from those in need in our community are received, the information is given to the Leadership. The benevolent request is followed up with a phone call to help evaluate the request and assistance is given when appropriate. We provide physical nourishment from the pantry and fresh items from the grocery store to temporarily alleviate their need; and as always spiritual concerns are addressed. An invitation is extended to attend our Bible classes and worship services to them and their children. Also, a prayer is offered (with their approval) on their behalf at that time.

Obviously, your contribution of monetary and pantry items are needed and appreciated to complete this task.

In-house benevolence is confidential and handled most of the time by the elders.

SUPPORT (Children Homes)

Support for both children’s home continues to be a committed endeavor and your support makes it possible. Mid Western relies on our continued support through Sunday contributions and Potter relies on the Gleaner cans. Both children’s home appreciate and rely on other special occasions and opportunities throughout the year for support.


Encouragement and support for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are hospitalized is done by phone calls, visits, cards, and other means available.

I cannot emphasize enough that without your continued support this would not be very effective. For those that have serviced in this capacity thank you and for those who have not there are plenty of opportunities to do so; just look at our prayer list and use one of the methods above…phone call, cards etc...

Last Update/Review - August 1, 2018
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